Why employers expect a mental health crisis this fall

Results from the Unum Group Employer Survey

September 21, 2020

For the first time in modern memory, there is uncertainty about how — or if — children across the country will be going back to school full time this fall.

School schedules nationwide have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many districts planning virtual or hybrid classes in place of in-person learning.

Echoing the events of last spring, when schools in every state sent kids home to learn, modified school schedules place a heavy burden on parents who need to work during the school day, as well as their employers.

Mental health concerns are mounting, as employees exhaust both their time-off banks and their reserves of resilience.

Our latest survey of employers across the U.S. shows what they expect for the fall re-entry and how they plan to help employees cope — including critically important plans for benefits enrollment. Read the report now.