How getting more sleep may actually benefit your business

You may remember the other week when I wrote about fatigue and ways to reduce it. We're always chasing that perfect work/life balance so we're getting the best of both worlds, but it's easier said than done. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to help with this.


One of the ideas from my previous Fatigue post was based around the fairly obvious notion that sleep can help with fatigue - with the caveat that if you've a million work-related thoughts spinning around your head, it's tricky to actually get a decent night's rest once you hit the hay.

How much sleep you actually need depends upon your age, but generally it's between 7-9 hours each night. The National Sleep Foundation published a cool infographic that showed the recommended amount of sleep for newborn babies to people aged 65+.

In the digital age, with tons of technology to help us be more available, especially to customers, it's becoming more and more difficult to just switch off, both digitally and mentally.

So, I thought that I'd take a look at some ways that it's possible to get that hallowed eight hours-a-night, really switch off and recharge. Unsurprisingly, there's a lot of info out there...

Sleep apps

If you feel you're getting enough sleep but still wake up feeling exhausted, you may not be getting enough quality sleep.

This is where sleep apps could be really beneficial in monitoring the sleep you do get.

Many now track your sleep and figure out the optimum time to wake you up, which is pretty cool.


Man, I love nothing more than listening to an audiobook before bed. Within minutes of pressing play I'm ready to get some serious Zs!

Podcasts are awesome, and as a fan of classic movies there's plenty out there to sate me. I'm a huge fan of Adam Roche's amazing The Secret History of Hollywood.

I'm also reading up on Content Marketing, as I'm keen to up my game marketing-wise. Joe Pulizzi's audiobook, Content Inc. is a great listen and full of excellent advice.

When to drink coffee

You'll probably know by now that I love my coffee. I genuinely look forward to my first cup just after I wake up as I think it sets me up for the busy morning ahead.

Turns out I've got it wrong.

According to research the best times to drink coffee are between 9.30-11am and 1.30-5pm. These are the times of day that your cortisol levels are dropping and taking your coffee then is the perfect pick-me-up.

So where does this fit with regards to sleep?

Well, if you're used to having a coffee at 2pm, don't move it to 4.30pm and think it'll have no effect – unsurprisingly, it could stop you getting to sleep. Also, it goes without saying that if you do find that your afternoon coffee is keeping you up at night, try moving it to 1.30pm and see if it helps.

Definitely don't drink coffee in the evening if you want to sleep well. I know from bitter experience.

Get a ritual

Getting a nightly routine in place is another great way to help you get to sleep on time. Turning off your digital devices, keeping pets out of the bedroom, eating early enough to digest food before heading to bed are all great ideas. Here are 10 ideas that could help you plan a routine that suits you.

These are just a few thoughts and ideas I've incorporated into my day (and evening!) to help me sleep well and recharge. They may or may not work for you, but tweaking your routine to ensure a great night's sleep can only be a good thing for your health and wellbeing.

I definitely believe that in order to positively focus on running your business you need to be at your best - I know I do.

Now, whether that means taking some time for yourself or getting some exercise, relaxing with a nice glass of wine, a good book, or getting enough quality sleep, it can really pay to listen to your body. It'll tell you when you're starting to run out of steam.

And then you can do something about it.

The companies I mention or link to in this post are just examples that I thought you'd find useful – I don't endorse them or their services. I have no affiliation with them and make no representation about their services.