Use inspiration: challenge your team

The HR industry’s been telling us for a while that money alone isn’t enough to motivate and engage employees. What works, then? In my experience, it’s about giving your employees a challenge, engaging and empowering them.

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5 tough conversations to have with employees

There are lots of amazing things about being the boss, but it does occasionally come with some downsides and, for me, these include having to have tough conversations with my employees. Normally I’m pretty informal and like to think that I get on with my team really well, which makes it even harder when I have to put on my ‘boss’ hat and have an official conversation with someone.

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Top tips for graduate recruitment on a budget

I’m always on the lookout for new talent and this can come in a number of different forms – experienced industry professionals, those looking for a career change (bringing with them a wealth of experience from other industries) and more recently I’ve started to recruit college graduates.

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13 management styles no one wants to see. Ever.

All managers have their own style and some are definitely more effective than others. Over the years I've come across quite a few different approaches -both from people who've managed me directly and, more recently, who I've worked with on projects. And while I've been inspired by some people's approaches, I've been less than impressed with others.

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10 places to hold your team (or client) holiday party in Boston

Bostonians have loved a good party ever since 1773. Of course, these December days, the only revolutions tend to be found on turntables at parties across the city. But just in case those arguments about where to hold the office get together become a little heated, here are our 10 suggestions for the holiday season (tea optional).

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Free ebook – The Buyer's Guide to Voluntary Benefits

Download our free eBook, The Buyer's Guide to Voluntary Benefits, to learn more about voluntary benefits and why your business will benefit from offering them.

Free ebook – The Buyer's Guide to Voluntary Benefits

Download our free eBook, The Buyer's Guide to Voluntary Benefits, to learn more about voluntary benefits and why your business will benefit from offering them.
Buyer's Guide to Voluntary Benefits